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Monday, August 24, 2020
Internet: Sociology and People Essay
Web Web has become a major piece of our life nowadays on account of the numerous things that we can get from it from the most recent news and research discoveries to self-articulation. We additionally get the opportunity to find out about the most recent patterns in our calling and in a flash become style chic. It additionally refreshes us of our preferred ball tea, and actors. Really, it turns into an extraordinary assistance in the working environment, instruction, diversion, medicinal services, and correspondence. Notwithstanding, the Internet has additionally filled in as a setting for the encroachment of copyright. Everybody has the entrance to data which makes it practically difficult to secure copyright. This for of theft is extremely across the board on the web. Beside this, the multiplication of obscene materials is unquestionably one of the disturbing things that has achieved by the Internet. It doesn't just degenerate the psyches of the youngsters that are presented to them yet in addition it makes ready for the corruption of human poise. It additionally strains the ethical make up of society. The Internet additionally distances the individual from his social self. While most imagine that conversing with friends and family through the PC screens permits or offers a similar fulfillment of social needs simply like taking part in discussions by and by, there truly is a major distinction between the virtual self and the social self. This could additionally prompt fixation which could hamper a person’s method of living and the individuals who are legitimately in contact with him. The Internet was proposed to be utilized for military purposes. Be that as it may, because of its adaptability and appropriateness, we have it as how today is utilized. It exists as our companion when utilized appropriately and our enemy when abused. THE INFLUENCE OF THE INTERNET ON PEOPLE’S SOCIAL AND PSYCHOL Uploaded by nikolovska1 (149) on Jul 8, 2007 THE INFLUENCE OF THE INTERNET ON PEOPLE’S SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL REALITIES The impact of the Internet has caused an adjustment in the manner we convey, learn and shop. The Internet is likely generally renowned for the capacity to spread data, truth or fiction. We were once constrained to news editors of a neighborhood paper, at that point to national link news. Presently anybody can look through the globe, visit nearby papers in remote nations, and see the perspectives on all sides. This simplicity of data has likewise carried with it a lot of lies, cash plans, and false notions. There is no doubt that simple access to the Internet, similar to the presentation of mail administration and the creation of the phone, has changed the idea of people’s association with others in their social world. Mail made potential associations among individuals without physical nearness, and the phone encouraged correspondence among far off individuals, making fast associations conceivable across long distancies. Be that as it may, has this correspondence unrest changed the unadulterated idea of relational and gathering forms? From one perspective, since the essential utilization of the Internet is correspondence, a few people may theorize that the Internet will have constructive social outcomes in people’s regular daily existences since it builds the recurrence and nature of relational interchanges among individuals. Individuals with simple access to others would feel better associated and all the more emphatically bolstered by others, prompting satisfaction and commitment in families, associations, networks, and society all the more by and large. However, then again, the simplicity of electronic correspondence may prompt more vulnerable social ties, since individuals have less motivation to leave their homes and really associate up close and personal with others. The Internet permits individuals to all the more effectively work from their home, to frame and continue kinships and even sentimental attacments from their home, to bank from their home, to cast a ballot and take part in political and social issue based conversations with others (from home). In this assortment of ways, Internet correspondences can possibly uproot vis-à -vis interchanges. I think this point is significant on the grounds that analysts in numerous investigates have depicted and demonstrated such up close and personal and phone associations as being of more excellent, when seen as far as their commitment to fulfillment and prosperity. Perusing a seriees of longitudinal and test considers (e.x. McKenna, Green, and Gleason), who test a hypothesis of relationship development on the Internet, these analysts straightforwardly adress the contention that the mental nature of Internet social collaboration is lower than is the mental nature of conventional up close and personal communication. Think about my own utilization. I’ve got a few email messages in the previous hour. My beau affirms the supper for this evening. Despite the fact that it is end of the week, my coleagues send me inquiries regarding the pending test anticipates a speedy answer. So does some alumni understudy from Europe, that I as of late met on â€Å"MySpace†with a dire solicitation for a letter of proposal. My companion Ksenija sends me an IM to disclose to me the most recent news about her new love. Etc thus on†¦ I expect that I am additionally carrying on with a virtual life, and what’s the most intriguing of all, the entirety of my companions on the web, are likewise my companions, all things considered. Also, on the off chance that they weren’t that before, I some way or another figured out how to bring my digital companions into my reality, so I could here in my genuine empower genuine correspondence, genuine eye to eye â€Å"talks†, genuine trade of feelings, feeligs of bliss, fulfillment and prosperity. I’d state for me, the Internet is an incredible new route for doing old things. In this way, what else end would i be able to bring aside from the one that Internet life can't remain on itself without genuine correspondence. It is basic: If we comprehend the characteristics of up close and personal correspondence that impact the effect of such correspondence on individuals and their social association, we would have the option to foresee the plausible impact of any new correspondence innovation. Notwithstanding, specialists show that individuals at some point or another proselyte their digital contacts into progressively customary eye to eye, equivalent to I do. Individuals utilize the Internet, as it were to assist them with accomplishing their genuine objectives. Furthermore, instead of technology’s changing people’s social and mental reality, as it were, individuals change their utilization of innovation to encourage their production of an ideal social reality. Web clients ought to intently look at their conduct, to guarantee that exorbitant time online won't contrarily sway their own prosperity. We shouldn’t toss our PCs out the window, however neither should we charge on aimlessly into complete reliance on the Internet. Similarly as with numerous things throughout everyday life, it appears that control and equalization are vital to expanding the Internet’s positive effect.| The Internet has furnished another medium with which kids and adolescents can menace their friends. While no direct physical damage should really be possible, the ascent of Cyber Bullying can be significantly more perilous than the tormenting that happens on school grounds. The Internet gives a misguided feeling of wellbeing and obscurity, which implies that an ever increasing number of youngsters are probably going to participate in scorning their friends and spreading awful gossipy tidbits. Kids that could never fantasy about putting down one of their colleagues vis-à -vis won’t mull over doing as such in a talk room, on their MySpace page or in a blog. How does the articulation go? â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones, yet words will never hurt me†? As we as a whole know, this basically isn’t valid. Destructive words and bogus complaints can do a lot of pain and can some of the time even lead to physical damage, particularly among individuals who are you thful and susceptible. The Internet permits clients everything being equal, not simply youngsters, the chance to rethink themselves and their picture. On the off chance that they don’t feel acknowledged at school they may go searching for acknowledgment on the net, and as we as a whole know, for youngsters acknowledgment frequently comes to the detriment of others. What makes Cyber Bullying even more risky is the way that it very well may be hard to manage. Instructors and other staff are available at school to watch students’ conduct and ideally shut down tormenting when they witness it. In any case, an ever increasing number of youngsters are being given boundless and solo access to the Internet, which is progressively tremendous a spot that we can envision. Guardians who aren’t watching what their youngsters are doing on the Internet, regardless of whether this is on the grounds that they are mechanically tested, extraordinarily gullible, or simply careless, have no clue about what sorts of conduct their kids are taking part in. At the point when most guardians at long last savvy up, they are stunned and shocked at what destinations little Ryan has been visiting or who valuable little Jamie has been speaking with. Perhaps the most hazardous part of the Internet is the way that it empowers risky and frightful conduct. Little youngsters are adulated for posting wrong and uncovering photos of themselves and mocking and bits of gossip among schoolmates are replied and bolstered with much progressively frightful conduct. It is up to society all in all to help bring this issue of youngsters and the Internet leveled out. The Internet is a magnificent instrument, don’t misunderstand me, however it is difficult to manage and it is simple for youngsters also get a bunch of pictures and data that ought not be seen by their susceptible eyes. Lamentably, numerous guardians are innocent to this issue and decline to accept that their youngsters would engage in anything perilous or wrong on the Internet. Projects and different apparatuses are accessible to assist guardians with checking their children’s Internet use, however these by themselves are insufficient. Youngsters today are bound to find out about these gadgets than their folks, and frequently can discover approaches to sidestep them. Hence, you likewise should be restricting the aggregate sum of time that your kids spend on the Internet every day and recognize what kind of access and management is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Racial Profiling Essays (476 words) - Offender Profiling
Racial Profiling The United States is anything but a solid majority rules system The United States is anything but a solid majority rules system. A fundamental prerequisite for any solid majority rule government is its establishing on the essential rule that all men are made equivalent. This implies man is decided on the way that he is man, and just that. There are no different methods or variables brought into account. This isn't how men are decided in the United States. In the United States, ethnic and racial speculations regularly impact legal execution. The lawyer general's office of New Jersey itself discharged a 112 page fundamental report presuming that numerous officials might be coincidentally oppressing minorities in their enthusiasm to stop sedate dealers. This report depended on the discoveries of an examination on the strategies of New Jersey expressway watches and what measures they use in distinguishing dubious drivers. Among their discoveries were that over a multi year time span, eight out of each ten vehicles pulled over on a southern stretch of the new pullover interstate were minorities and 40% of all traffic stops by a multi month term included minorities. What's more, the police themselves concede that race is a factor by they way they conclude whom to stop and search. Be that as it may, the issue isn't constrained to cops and their conduct; it grows into a government legal issue in which the profiling is considered protected. For the situation u.s. v. Weaver, the u.s. court of advances for the Eighth Circuit maintained the legality of the official's activities in utilizing race as a factor (among others) in his choice to stop a potential medication dealer. Different courts have concurred with the Eighth Circuit that the constitution doesn't deny utilizing race as a factor when they conclude who is a suspect, if this is accomplished for reasons for law implementation and wrongdoing avoidance. Besides, there is no obvious end to this foul play soon since state police authority has empowered this racial profiling by giving trooper of the year grants to the individuals who make large medication captures and afterward neglecting to screen whether troopers are lopsidedly capturing minorities. To the credit of the police, it must be said that their activities, anyway faulty, were finished with just the expectations to maintain the law, as was additionally found in the lawyer general's report, that by and large, the officials were not bigot and the captures were not racially persuaded, nor were their any cases of racial provocation documented against these equivalent officials. Considering every one of these realities, posting on numerous occasions how the individuals who are liable for the maintaining of the constitution take a gander at residents, it is difficult to reason that the u.s. complies with the standard of correspondence. Also, if this major standard isn't met, there can be no sound popular government. Legitimate Issues
Monday, July 20, 2020 Offers Literary Reviews Based on Page Count Offers Literary Reviews Based on Page Count When published author and freelance writer Dane Cobain of High Wycombe, UK, decided to start a book blog, he wanted to take an approach that was unique (and maybe a bit time saving). Since then, his book blog, has become an award-winning site ranked #3 in Vuelios Top Ten Literature blogs in the UK, and his different approach is writing book reviews that have the same number of words as pages in the reviewed book. For example, if a book has 300 pages, it would be reviewed on with 300 words.History of the siteCobain founded in April 2013 and officially launched the site on May 1st of that same year. Through the site, he met the former VP of Community Management at Booktrope Publishing and on June 11, 2015, released his first novella, No Rest for the Wicked with Booktropes Forsaken imprint.Since that time, has published over 1,000 book reviews and interviewed dozens of authors, providing readers a us eful resource full of well-written reviews. As a labour of love, the website reflects its owners own personal reading list and now has a number of reviews organized by authors last name and genre.Navigating the siteThe home page of shows the most recent blog post or review left by Cobain. Since the most recent book he reviewed was Three Japanese Short Stories by Akutagawa and others (containing 58 pages), the review was a brief 58 words, which to some, could be too little information.In the right-hand menu bar, there are navigable links organized as follows:Authors A-E (By Surname) (374)Authors F-J (By Surname) (289)Authors K-O (By Surname) (249)Authors P-T (By Surname) (329)Authors U-Z (By Surname) (106)Fiction (776)Magazine (3)Non-Fiction (363)Poetry (145)As you can see from the numbers to the side, the website contains over a thousand book reviews, searchable by the authors last name and the works genre. Below the main menu, there are links to the Cobains ow n books, along with reviews from Goodreads. Finally, youll find icons of various awards that or Cobain has won.Since one of my favorite contemporary writers is Gillian Flynn, I clicked on the Authors F-J (By Surname) (289) link to see if the site had any reviews of her books. The first review that showed on the screen was one for Flynns Sharp Objects, a book that I hadnt enjoyed nearly as much as her bestseller Gone Girl. Since Cobain had both of these books reviewed on his site, I read both and (for the most part) agreed with his take on both novels. I was particularly impressed to read his disappointment with the end of the novel, stating that it was unbelievable and could have ended better. Most reviewers praise that ending for its gotcha! effectiveness and let the suspension of disbelief take over.Review policyAny author or author representative who wishes to submit a book for review to should note that the website only accepts paperba ck or hardback books for submission. This means that no e-books or Kindle versions will be considered, and the website notes that no books will be returned to the sender after submission.Cobain also suggests that if anyone wishes to submit a book for his review, they should look on his Goodreads page to consider his overall tastes in reading. If he chooses to review the book, the review will be cross-posted across his author pages on Goodreads and Amazon, along with a link to purchase the book. He suggests to consider his in-house style when submitting shorter works or novellas, and note that an 80-page book will have an 80-word review.Additionally, while most reviews are written within 2-3 weeks of receipt of a book, it can take longer in some instances. Cobain also notes that reviews are his honest opinion based on his preferences in literature and writing, so if he rates it negatively, it isnt something he will change. He mentions several authors attempting to contact him to conv ince him to change his rating but he insists on maintaining the integrity of the reviews for his readers and fans.So why the page count/word count connection?Cobain states that the reason he decided to create a unique connection between page count of the book and word count of the review is because he wanted to challenge himself in writing, succinct reviews. In doing so, he saves time (since running the website is not his fulltime job) and offers readers a different approach to reviewing booksâ€"hopefully one that keeps his readers coming back for more.How to contact the siteIf youd like more information about the site and wish to contact the administrator of, you can email If youre interested in sending in a book for a potential review, send a brief synopsis of and links (if available) containing further information about it.Final takeawayI found the content of to contain well written, thoughtful reviews of a varie ty of books across a wide range of topics and genres. I liked the fact that the reviews tended to be concise, without a lot of fluff.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting the Careers, Views and...
Comparing and Contrasting the Careers, Views and Accomplishments of William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson Two very influential men, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, born 1856, and William Jennings Bryan, born 1860 came onto the scene at one of the most critical points in American history. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was what you would call a late bloomer, yet in his later years that late bloom turned out to be a remarkable blossom. In other words, the impact he had on human society was colossal. William Jennings Bryan was a brilliant orator. His amazing speeches won him widespread recognition. While these two men worked along side each other in the realm of politics, sometimes in harmony and sometimes not, their lives would forever transform†¦show more content†¦After these two terms in Congress, Bryan became editor of the Omaha World-Herald and traveled the Chautauqua lecture circuit promoting populist ideas. In 1896, he gave a brilliant speech on behalf of the ‘free silver men at the National Convention in Chicago. He championed the idea that the dollar should be backed by more plentiful silver rather than gold, as was the present U. S. policyÂ… Tumultuous applause erupted on the convention floor and continued for thirty minutes! (Linder). This astounding speech won him the democratic nomination, the first of three failed attempts. The second and third tries were spent at campaigning progressive issues such as anti-imperialism, consumer protection, regulation of trusts, and finance reform. Although his dream of the presidency was never realized, Bryan succeeded in transforming the Democratic Party from a conservative party of Civil War losers to a coalition more focused on the interests of blue-collar workers, farmers, and religious and ethnic minorities (Linder). When Wilson ran for president in 1912, Bryan preformed his last great service to the Democratic Party by helping secure Wilsons nomination (Johnson, p. 635. Even though Wilson had been in politics only three years, and had never sat in Congress, his lecture room skills served him well for platform oratoryÂ…his fine voice and admirable, often spontaneous, choice of words could hold audiences of up
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dna And Development Of The Living Organisms - 950 Words
Additionally, the researcher discover the all-inclusive replication that decreased the repeat length-dependent manner in the presence of 20 or more GGGGCC repeats which can cause replication fork stalling. Observed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis techniques and the results consider that GGGGCC repeat instability occurs during the replication and that the level and type of instability are dependent on repeat length and orientation. DNA is the hereditary material and it carries all the genetic information that used in functionally and development of the living organisms. DNA is composed of two DNA strands that are antiparallel, coiled around each other to form a double helix. Double helix stand for two DNA strands set themselves like a ladder with the phosphate backbone forming the side of the ladder and these bases forming the rungs(book). DNA is the polymer of nucleotides, each consisting of three components; nitrogenous base, ribose sugar and a phosphate group. The base can be Thymine(T), Guanine (G), Cytosine(C), Adenine (A); according to the base pairing rule, G=C, T=A. Each strand of the true DNA provides a template for the production of the complementary strand, this is called semi-conservative replication. DNA replication is the technique that produces two identical replicas of DNA from the true DNA molecule and occurs in all living organisms. DNA replication begins within the DNA called origins of DNA r eplication called ori and when the replication begins,Show MoreRelatedThe Building Process Of An Organism1597 Words  | 7 PagesOrganisms are described as â€Å"Living things that are capable of reacting to stimuli, reproduction, grow, and homeostasis†(1. There are many types of organisms with contrasting cells that can number billions with differing structures and functions. If a basic unit of an organism such as a cell can be so diverse, the complexity of the rest of the organism is imaginable. 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Every living thing on our planet is made up of thousands of cellsRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words  | 6 Pagesengineering is a straight use of an organism s genome by the use of biotechnology. New DNA may be inserted into the host genome by first and copying the genetic material of interest by the use molecular emulating methods to create a DNA order, or by producing the DNA, and then injecting this concept into the host organism. I think in the future 50 years, the use of hormones can enable the production of higher quality carcasses, and increases the rate of muscle development (Bruce, D., Bruce, A., 2014)Read MoreEvolution Is It Really A Theory?834 Words  | 4 Pagesevolution are, DNA Sequences, Anatomical structures, embryological developement, analogous structures, and fossil records. What is Evolution? 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Cisco Erp Free Essays
Cisco Systems Inc. : Implementing ERP come ride with us your cowboys: bill atkinson denisa kubricka edmond lui georg wittenburg iman sharif Company Background †¢ Founded in 1984 by two Stanford computer scientists †¢ Became publicly traded in 1990 †¢ Primary product is â€Å"router††¢ By 1997, Cisco was ranked top five companies in return on revenues and ROA in Fortune 500 †¢ In 1998, market capitalization was over $100 billion Markets Cisco was a key infrastructure supplier for the â€Å"New Economy†in the mid-90s. †¢ That market went through a period of amazing growth since Cisco formed. We will write a custom essay sample on Cisco Erp or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ This fast growth rate was directly reflected in Cisco’s sales figures. †¢ The future was looking bright. Company Structure †¢ Three functional divisions: – Order Entry – Finance – Manufacturing †¢ Initial IT Strategy: – Let division take care of themselves. – Overall architecture is shared, enabling sharing of data. History of IT at Cisco UNIX-based software package to support its core transaction processing: – Functional areas supported: financial, manufacturing and order entry systems – Used common architecture and common databases †¢ Growth of Cisco resulted in scalability problems. †¢ Cisco was the largest single costumer of that vendor, resulting in a strategic weakness. Point Blank †¢ Would the software developed for a $300 million company fit the use of a $1 billion company? Point Blank †¢ Why would a multi-million dollar company want to avoid ERP? A Big Need †¢ Recognized the need for change, but left actions to each functional division: †¢ Thus: – Little progress was made in the year – Each functional area was reluctant to replace the legacy system because of high risk involved – Systems outages became routine – Unauthorized method for accessing the core application database malfunctioned, corrupting Cisco’s central database †¢ Company was shut down for two days Selecting an ERP product †¢ The planning was driven only by timing constraints and panic. There was no business case †¢ Cisco emphasized the need for: – – – – Strong team Strong partners Speedy decision making Getting Executive Board approval Project Team Partners †¢ Team: – Know that very best people are needed – Pulled best business IT people out of their current jobs at Cisco †¢ Partners: – Important that partner could work on the selection as w ell as implementation of project – KPMG as integration partner – KPMG team of 20 (highly experienced; not â€Å"greenies†) Teams selection strategy †¢ Teams strategy – use experiences of other companies and best practices to accumulate knowledge †¢ Selected five packages within 2 days †¢ After a week of high level evaluation – two packages selected: ORACLE and another major player in the ERP market †¢ 10 days on request for proposals Point Blank †¢ Is it wise to make a decision so quickly? Are there things that should be done to mitigate the risk? Did they do due diligence? Team Selection Strategy Cont’d Oracle other vendor given two weeks to respond to RFP †¢ Current vendor customers were visited by the team during these two weeks †¢ After response, received a 3-day software demonstration by each vendor (used Cisco’s sample data) †¢ Goal is to show how software meets or does not meet Cisco’s requirements Final Vendor Selection Criteria †¢ Three main criteria used: – Manufacturing capability – Long-term develop ment of functionality of package – Flexibility of Oracle’s being close by (location wise) Other motivations – Oracle’s first release of new ERP product – if Cisco project goes well, favorable product launch of Oracle ERP package †¢ Oracle chosen – team decision, no management approval at this point Time †¢ After 75 days from start of project, major TODOs are: – Negotiations between Oracle Cisco – Write up a Proposal to Board of Directors †¢ Time and non-interference with annual accounting as main considerations. †¢ Famous last words: – â€Å"†¦ there’s no way we’re going to take 15 months to get this done. That’s ridiculous. †– â€Å"Well, can we do it in five months? That just didn’t seem right. †– Let’s try nine. Point Blank †¢ Was nine months realistic? Should other criteria have been used to estimate the time, rather than quarters as primarily criteria? Costs †¢ No formal business case for project †¢ Concentrating on system failure as motivation to project start †¢ $15 million budget estimated †¢ Not approached from the justification prospective (no cost/benefit analysis) †¢ Costs:  »  »  »  » Software 16% Hardware 32% Headcount 14% System integration 38% Point Blank †¢ How do you think should project costs be estimated for Cisco’s project? Getting Approval From Board †¢ Met with CEO – comment about ‘jobs lost over much lesser amounts of money’ †¢ Got CEO’s support †¢ Met with Board of Directors – chairman says ‘show me the money’ as first thing †¢ Board approves project †¢ Single largest project ever undertaken by company †¢ CEO makes project priority for Cisco Building implementation team †¢ As not enough time KPMG performed well during planning phase †¢ KPMG relationship extended for implementation †¢ Extra 80 team members added on from the Cisco’s business community †¢ Five tracks (process area teams) used: Order Entry Track  » Manufacturing Track  » Finance Track  » Sales/Reporting Track  » Technology Track Point Blank †¢ Was it worth removing important people from the regular business positions to work on the IT project? How can an IT department in another company convince upper management that thi s is worthwhile? Steering Committee †¢ High level execs from Cisco, Oracle, and KPMG †¢ Shows commitment and importance of project Point Blank †¢ How important is it to have support of upper management to ensure success? Implementing Oracle †¢ A development technique known as â€Å"rapid iterative prototyping††¢ Implementation broken into a series of phases called â€Å"Conference Room Pilots†(CRPs): – CRP 0 / 1: Build on previous work to develop a deeper understanding of the software and how it functioned – CRP 2 / 3: Implement the ERP system. CRP0 †¢ Training the implementation team and setting up the technical environment †¢ Two parallel efforts: – Training the team in the Oracle applications Normal 5 day training pushed to two 16-hour days! Getting the application up and running by a small â€Å"tiger team†CPR0 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Configuring the Oracle package Hundreds of parameters in the applications Team members â€Å"locked†together for two days 1 % effort with 80 percent accuracy Completed one week after the meeting, leading to the realization that changes to the software were needed to support the company effectively Point Blank †¢ Do you think that having 80% accuracy with only 1% effort was just a matter of luck? Taking into account that typical ERP system configuration takes up to 6 months, not 2 days!! Any risks involved with this approach? CPR1 †¢ Goal of this phase each track makes the system work within its specific area †¢ Details and procedures for completing a process were created †¢ Realized that a lot of business processes were not supported by the software needed modifications †¢ Modifications were classified into: †¢ Green †¢ Yellow †¢ Red, needed to go to the steering committee for approval there were few reds CRP1 30 developers needed for 3 months to modify Oracle †¢ Modifications led to unplanned changes in the project plan and budget †¢ Realized that Oracle could not support the after-sales support needs †¢ Chose a service support package and planned to lunch both packages together Point Blank †¢ Would it have been possible to avoid most of these major changes and the need for a new service package had they spent more time in their initial design and decision making? †¢ Does it help to prioritize the required changes and control scope? CRP2 Continued scope change †¢ Major technical issues †¢ Creation of data warehouse for centralized data communication CRP2 †¢ 100-person IT department started decommitting from other projects †¢ Bore most of the responsibility for the project additions †¢ â€Å"IT did nothing else that year†Point Blank †¢ Is it wise to commit all of your resources to a new project, when your existing systems are barely scraping by? CRP3 †¢ Focus on testing the full system †¢ Assess readiness to ‘go live’ †¢ Captured one day’s worth of actual business data and ‘re-running’ it on a Saturday Point Blank †¢ Would you consider one day of testing adequate (with a subset of data), if you were planning a clean cutover of your entire IT infrastructure? The Aftermath †¢ The new ERP system went live on January 30, 1995, but it took two months before it was operating at a reasonable level of quality. †¢ Problematic areas were hardware architecture and sizing. – Test hat only been run sequentially and with a subset of the real database. †¢ Side-note: How is it possible that no one in the team noticed this before? Cisco Systems (1995) Cisco Systems creates five distinct business units that reflect its major networking product groups  Workgroup, ATM High End, Access, Core and IBM Internetworking. †¢ â€Å"While leveraging economies of scale in areas like manufacturing, sales and support, the business units can move quickly in product development and expedite time to market. ††¢ Cisco Systems is the first major supplier of internet working products to be awarded global ISO 9001 certification. Cisco Systems (2004) †¢ John Chambers, president and CEO: â€Å"Our strong position in the core switching and routing business continues to be complemented by positive momentum in our Advanced Technologies, especially this quarter in storage, security, wireless and IP telephony. ††¢ Positive Q2 2004 figures: – Q2 Net Sales: $5. 4 Billion (14. 5% increase year over year; 5. 8% increase quarter over quarter) – Q2 Operating Cash Flows: $1. 7 Billion Oracle Corp. (2004) †¢ Third quarter revenues were up 9% to $2. 5 billion while net income grew 11% to $635 million as compared to the third quarter last year. Chairman and CFO Jeff Henley: – â€Å"Oracle’s fiscal third quarter was another solid quarter, with new software license revenue growth of 12%, which is identical to last quarter. ††¢ Oracle CEO Larry Ellison: – â€Å"This was a very strong quarter for our database business. †groupthink Point Blank †¢ Would they be able to do it again? – Which were to key factors to the success of the project? – At which points could it have failed? – Are these one-time events or can we generalize them? Pete Solvik CIO of Cisco Systems †¢ Heads the Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) †¢ One of the top 25 unsung heroes of the Net by Inter@ctive Week Pete’s Tips for CIOs †¢ Make sure that the company’s â€Å"business owners†make and fund IT spending decissions. †¢ Use infrastructure as a strategic enabler. †¢ Tie IT’s objectives and rewards to the goals of the company business units. †¢ â€Å"Pete Solvik’s Three Tips for CIOs†http://www. voicendata. com/content/top_stories/101010311. asp Thank you for your time! How to cite Cisco Erp, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Romeo And Juliet Essays (820 words) - English-language Films
Romeo And Juliet Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet, is a story of two young lovers, whose love was destined for destruction. They did not imagine that their love would lead to the tragedies that it did. These two young people did nothing wrong except fall in love. Three aspects of their destruction included the feud between the two families, the nurse and her betrayal of Juliet and the most important aspect of all is fate. The feud between the two families was one factor that contributed to the love of Romeo and Juliet being destined for destruction. ?From ancient grudge break to new mutiny?. (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, pg.2 l.3) The two families, Montagues and Capulets, had many problems. There was hate between the two families so much so that even the servants hated each other. This feud would have caused many problems for Romeo and Juliet: These two young lovers knew this and this is why they kept their marriage a secret. If their parents discovered their secret, they would have made their children's lives miserable. Romeo and Juliet would not have been able to see each other. Both of these families were very stubborn and there was hardly any thing that would have made them become friends. In the prologue we learn that the only way the ?strife? could be ended was by the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. ?Doth with their death bury their parent's strife?. (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, l.8) Neither the Montague s or the Capulets would have accepted the marriage. Keeping the marriage a secret caused Romeo and Juliet to turn to other people for help. Sometimes these people gave them the wrong advice or just betrayed them. The Nurse was one of these characters who betrayed the young couple. The Nurse who was also Juliet's friend turned against her at a very crucial time. The Nurse told Juliet that it would be best if she married Paris. ?I think it best you married with the county?. (Romeo & Juliet, pg.101, III, v, l.219) This betrayal by the Nurse left Juliet alone. She was a wise young woman but it still would have been beneficial for her to have the help of the Nurse. Juliet was left on her own to make some very important decisions. I believe that if the Nurse had been around to help Juliet things may have turned out differently. Juliet had no one to turn to and ask for help. She could not have gone to her parents because they would not have understood. The Nurse was supposed to be one of Juliet's best friends. Now when it was important for Juliet to have someone there, for her she was betrayed. When considering the destruction of Romeo and Juliet the most sifnificant fact you must think about is fate. Fate, above all, destroyed Romeo and Juliet. Many instances in the play reveals that the love of Romeo and Juliet would end in death. ?A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life?. (Romeo & Juliet,pg.2, Prologue, l.6) From the very beginning it is evident that they were destined by the stars to bad fortune. Some people may think that there is no way to control fate or change what is in the stars. It could be that the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined for death so that their parent's feud would be over. Also, in the prologue it states that the dreadful course of their love was destined for death. ?The fearful passage of their death marked love?. (Romeo & Juliet, pg.2, Prologue, l.9) Both of these quotes show us that the love of these two was destined to end tragically. The masquerade party was above all the most important aspect of fate. The fact that Romeo was wearing a mask and his face was hidden allowed juliet to fall in love with him before she saw who it was. If Juliet had known who Romeo was she would probably have not fallen in love with him. Fate could not have been changed whatever was meant to be would happen and no one could change that. In conclusion, from the very beginning, the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined to be
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